Start a Business

I am very glad you would like to start your own business. You can start almost everything you want! From a pizza shop to a store you have lots of choices to choose from. It takes about a month to get it all started so I recommend you get a high paying job to start this. Or get a loan. It cost about $12,000.00 for a business so only a few can start one. But when you do it will be on Cool Village for all eyes to see. So members of Cool Village could shop at your store! I hope you have the money to do it!
Send the form below to
Your Fake Name:
Your Fake Age:
Your Password:
Name of Business:
Street You Would Like It To Be On:
Your E-Mail Address:

You should get a e-mail back in less than a week telling you the price.
Businesses Available
Furniture Store
Game Store
Fast Food
Gas Station (NEEDED!!!!!)